It's All in My Head

Ravings With No Organic Explanation

Sunday, August 06, 2006

I Get to Wear a Head Cage

The MRI wasn't bad. Given the proliferation of "open MRI" centers and the fact that the ER recommended I take valium before I have one, I was not looking forward to the experience, especially as I am given to claustrophobia. In fact, it was almost anti-climactic. I was bored through most of it, save those moments when the implications of having a brain scan to confirm a tumor came crashing down on me.

It's Friday, August 4. I'm one week from my 36th birthday. Jack and I go out to dinner, and stop for drinks at a local bar on the way home. The headaches return, and we've not finished one beer before we have to leave. I'm in bed by 8:30.


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