All's Well That Ends Well
I don't have a tumor.
At least, that's what my MRI said. The headaches have not returned. I am still supposed to see a neurologist, but making no excuses, I really don't want to. Doesn't sound like a fun way to spend an afternoon. And I'm not sure *why* I 'm supposed to see a neurologist. Because of a funky ER CT scan? Or the headaches? I know I *should.* I just *haven't.*
So life goes on and you think now everything will be different. Now I'll appreciate life and nature and everyone around me and you do, for a week, and then reality sets in and you're right back where you were.
I won't say things haven't changed. My marriage has improved tremendously. I have a little more patience with the kids. I try to remember how I felt those days when I didn't know what might be growing inside my head, and remind myself that it could happen again, at any moment, only for realsies. Crappy diem and all that.
So even while my cynicism has been only mildly diminished by the experience, some good comes of everything, and I learned some things about the people who make up my world. They love me. A lot. Despite differences, despite relationships not quite being what they once were, I am loved. And I am grateful.
On the downside, a note to the one person out there who should have cared but didn't (and he knows who he is, though he'll likely never see this)...just another nail in the coffin, I suppose, but *I* love *you*. Always will. You're always welcome back in my life.
So that's that. I have found I enjoy blogging. I don't share it with many people, apart from those wonderful ladies who have invaded my inbox for these past 11+ years, but nonetheless, I plan to continue. Who can resist a forum where you just get to blather on about yourself? Luckily "It's All In My Head" lends itself readily to my myriad neuroses, so while this may veer off in many directions, the title shall remain apropos.