It's All in My Head

Ravings With No Organic Explanation

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Bottoms Up!

A little late in the game, but thought I'd throw a little a State-of-the-Union party right here in blogland. God knows you can't watch this crap sober...

Every time our fearless leader says:

freedom: drink 1
liberty: drink 1
nuk-u-lar: drink 1
Saddam Hussein: drink 2
terror: drink 1
war: drink 1
war on terror: drink 2

Every time Chuckles:

shuffles his feet: drink 2
snickers: drink 1
says something he thinks is witty or insightful and grins smugly: drink 2
every time it's not: drink 1
smirks: drink 1
metions God: drink 1
butchers Nancy Pelosi's name and/or title, deliberately or otherwise: drink 2
mispronounces Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: drink 1
stutters: drink 1
uses a nonword: drink 2
resigns: chug your beer, strip down naked and run through the streets shouting in jubilation

Add your own to the list.....



At 5:06 AM, Blogger Mama G said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

They really should schedule these things for the weekend. Who has the time to get plastered on a Tuesday night? And you know you'd be plastered by about 15 minutes into it, even if you're only drinking watered-down wine coolers.

Unfortunately (?) I didn't catch the State of the Union. We had Cub Scouts and a wrestling tournament so we weren't home. Besides, I really just can't stomach the Bushisms. I know that is childish, but I really do have a visceral reaction to some of his mannerisms and tried-and-untrue standard statements.

I read your recap in the other post (thanks for taking the time - it must have been challenging) and I don't think he said anything that I couldn't have predicted anyway. Those State of the Union addresses are always just a bunch of posturing anyway.

At 5:35 PM, Blogger HeadCase said...

I usually don't watch either. His mannersisms are so...flippant. Like he's dealing with children who just don't understand the complicated ways of the world.

I felt sorry for him for a brief moment, imagining what it would be like to face a hostile majority with an approval rating rivaling Nixon's at resignation, but it wasn't long before I again began to wonder why he was addressing the nation and not a jury at the Hague.


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